Free Step-By-Step Tutorial To Help You Nail Crow Pose


Hey, friends! I’m back with another yoga tutorial and this time around, it’s all about Bakasana AKA Crow Pose! Bakasana is an arm balance pose that is all about building strength in the abs and arms. It also strengthens your wrists, upper back, core and legs.

I felt very strong and empowered the first time I nailed this pose in a yoga class and hope to help others experience those feelings with this tutorial!

Get on your mat and fly, with this beginner’s guide to crow pose. 


Crow Pose Step 1


Start in a wide squat position with feet and palms flat on the floor. (Make sure your palms are flat and there are pie slices between your fingers.) Slowly, lift your heels off the floor and come onto the balls of your feet, resting your knees on the outside of your shoulders. You can also rest them under your armpits.

 If getting into a squat is too difficult, you can place your feet on a yoga block to modify.

Crow Pose Step 2


With your hands firmly placed on the floor, lift your hips toward the sky until you are in a forward fold, you can lower your toes if needed. Your hands should still be firmly planted on the mat. 

Crow Pose Step 3


Lean forward allowing your elbows and knees to slightly bend, as you place your right knee directly above your right elbow continuing to shift your weight forward while you balance. You can bring your knee to the outside of the elbow as a modification.

You’ll notice that your toes will start to come off the earth as you tilt forward.

Crow Pose Step 4


Repeat step 4 on the left side and fly! Test the waters with how far you lift your toes off the floor. You should feel balanced in the pose, so you might have to start by barely lifting your toes off of the earth. Having control is key to mastering this pose and not injuring yourself.

 Squeeze your heels towards your glutes while pressing the knees into the backs of your arms. Take your gaze towards the front of your mat. Take 5-10 deep breaths in this position.

To exit crow pose, carefully lower your feet to the floor and rest in a squat. 

Want to advance your crow even more? Check out these 3 crow pose modifications! 

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